Power Sharing for a United Syria


As part of the Power Sharing for a United Syria project, we continued our work with various Syrian opposition groups in order to develop joint positions, particularly in the areas of decentralization and minority rights. Secondly, we provided technical support to the minority representatives on the Syrian Constitutional Committee during the constitutional talks in Geneva with our Minority Advisor Board. Finally, we explained and publicized the discussions within the Constitutional Committee and the positions of the individual groups through interviews, podcasts, studies, explanatory videos and film documentaries.



Supporting the Kurdish National Council



The Kurdish National Council in Syria (KNC), founded on 26 October 2011 in al-Qamishli, is an association of representatives of Syrian-Kurdish political parties and members of civil society organizations.



War Is No Excuse

Graffiti: Keine Kindersoldaten

No Recruitment of Child Soldiers by the PYD


Syria has been in a state of civil war since 2011. Many of the parties involved are recruiting child soldiers and use them in combat—the Syrian-Kurdish PYD (Democratic Union Party) is no exception. (more…)


English books 3:

Cover page

Susan Meiselas:
Kurdistan: In the Shadow of History. Second edition.
With historical introductions and a new postscript by Martin van Bruinessen.

Kurdistan: In the Shadow of History traces the history of the Kurds by presenting photographs and accounts by colonial administrators, anthropologists, missionaries, journalists, and others who have traveled to Kurdistan over the last century.



English books 2:

cover page

Andrea Fischer-Tahir:
Brave men, pretty women? Gender and symbolic violence in Iraqi Kurdish urban society

This book is a pleasant change from the recent streams of books on Iraqi Kurdistan that are focused almost exclusively on political developments.



English books 1:

Harriet Montgomery:
The Kurds of Syria: An existence denied

The main focus of the book is the human rights issues pertaining to the Kurds of Syria. But rather than starkly setting out the bare bones of human rights violations in Syria, the book contextualises the Kurdish question in Syria and provides some explanation for its development.

